Aim & Objectives

Chamber Of Commerce Bareilly

Aim & Objectives

To form an Employers Association with a view of foster cooperation between the employers of India and similar organization.
To promote and put it the interest of employers engaged in trade, commerce, industry and charitable institutions and professional firms in India.
To take up consider and discuss questions connected with or affecting the interest to the members.
To promote measures affecting the interest of members and affiliated associations and to make representations to local, state, central and other authorities on matters concerning the members.
To collect and circulate statistics and other informations for diffusion of usefu knowledge.
To take, wherever possible organized and/or concerted action on all matters involving the interest of members.
To consider and act upon wherever necessary on all problems/legislation connected with trade, commerce & industry, affecting the interest of members.
To develop effective publicity for educating the public about the objectives of this Chamber and for promoting the common welfare of members in the region and to organize a close liaison with public.
To subscribe to, become a member of, or otherwise cooperate with any other association, whether incorporated or not, whose objects are altogether or in part of similar to those of this Chamber.
To enter into any arrangement with any government or authority, municipal, local o otherwise that may seem conductive to the objects’of the Chamber or to obtain from any such government or authority all rights, concessions and privileges with the Chambermay think it desirable to obtain and to carryout, exercise and comply with an such arrangements, right privileges and concessions.
To scrutinize, analyze and elucidate state policies in relation to matters affecting all o any member.
To diffuse knowledge and experience and to do all such things and perform all such acts as may be necessary or proper for the achievement of any or all of the above objects.